Did your D4D use a lot of fuel in the beginning?

Diskutiere Did your D4D use a lot of fuel in the beginning? im T25: Motorisierung Forum im Bereich Avensis T25: von 04-2003 bis 12-2008; I've gotten my Av only 1½ week ago and have only taken it for 1300km My last use of diesel was 7,7 l/100km .. can this be right?? Sure...

  1. Gast

    Gast Guest

    I've gotten my Av only 1½ week ago and have only taken it for 1300km

    My last use of diesel was 7,7 l/100km .. can this be right??

    Sure I've been using the aircon, preheater and cruise control more then you normally would (gotta test it out ;D) but besides that, I've been driving it economically, in my own opinion, and 7,7 is far from the 6 l/100km from the toyota specs

    Will this be better af the first few thousand km?
  2. bill

    bill Guest

  3. Gast

    Gast Guest

    ok ... well, I hope it gets a bit better in a while .. 7,7 is unacceptable with the driving that I've done sofar ;-)
  4. #4 henktoyota, 03.04.2005

    henktoyota Fortgeschrittener

    Dabei seit:
    Wezemaal (Belgien)
    T27 FL - 2.0 D-4D Kombi
    Hi zz24hours,

    After my first fuelstop I also had the same impression, 7,4L consumption (but it all depends if you fill it each time up the same way, which is not easy with the diesel foam).

    The last time, after 3500km, I was at 5,8L, but with a very economic driving style (gear up around 2000rpm) and max 100-120km/hr in morning and evening rush hours.

    I hope to reach an average of around 6,2 to 6,5L after driving the AV for around 10000km. Wait and see... [​IMG]

    PS: the consumption data are calculated, not from the BC

  5. #5 toyo-hallo, 04.04.2005

    toyo-hallo Guest


    In fact, we also regarded an unexpectedly high consumption:
    An average of about 8,5 l/100km.

    Our last measure a few days ago and the least consumption so far; wed covered medium distance at a maximum of 130km/h and an average significantly below 100km/h:

    48,1l/633km=7,6 l/100km.

    Meanwhile - after 8000. km - we assume that the engine generally needs more fuel than those of manufactuerers like BMW and VW (we actually can compare three cars directly).

  6. Gast

    Gast Guest

    ok, thank you [​IMG]

    I'll just have to wait and see if I can push it further then.

    I've had experience with the VAG TDI's and even when driving them hard, they normally only used 5,8 - 6 l/100km.

    Had I driven them like I've done the AV the last week, the consumption would be around 5,2.

    But then again, the pleasure of driving the AV is much bigger, less noise, less rattles, more equipment.
  7. #7 toyo-hallo, 04.04.2005

    toyo-hallo Guest


    We as well experienced differences in Diesel consumption of about 1l/100km between our AV and the PASSAT TDI.
    Nevertheless, our AV is the car where driving is connected with more comfort und fun.

  8. uwzl

    uwzl Guest


    Did you calculate the consumption manually or do you trust the board-computer? The board computer is rather a random-number-generator :-).

    I need in average 7,5 l/100 km [mainly city traffic].
    My lowest consumption so far (not "economy"-optimized!): 6,3 l/100 km [mainly overland]. My highest: 9,1 l/100 km [a high speed tour ;-)]

  9. Gast

    Gast Guest

    Its calculated [​IMG]
    Just checking what the BC suggest the range to be, should convince people that its better to turn it off [​IMG]


    I filled her up yesterday morning and have really put an efford into driving economically - in the 220km covered sofar, the bc says 6,2 l/100. This is 50/50 autobahn with 120-140 km/h and highway with 90 km/h. Looking forward to getting the real consumption calculated.

    Just to examplify the BC's inaccuracy, it says that the range on this tank, should be just below 700km. Using its own calculated average consumption, the range is 950km.

Did your D4D use a lot of fuel in the beginning?

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