Avensis Verso - zwei Fragen - two questions

Diskutiere Avensis Verso - zwei Fragen - two questions im Avensis Verso Forum im Bereich Familienbande; sorry, my German is terrible - who can help me - I am looking for dimensions of spare wheel in AV (I've heard it is 135mm thick, but diamater?)...

  1. Gast

    Gast Guest

    sorry, my German is terrible - who can help me - I am looking for dimensions of spare wheel in AV (I've heard it is 135mm thick, but diamater?) and dimensions of the 70L bay under the trunk floor (in place where is located spare wheel in other cars). TIA

  2. Gast

    Gast Guest

    Sorry, my English is terrible [​IMG]
    .I can`t help you, because I`m not driving a Avensis Verso. But I´m sure anybody will help you. So please be patient with us.
    Good driving!

  3. Gast

    Gast Guest

    Thanks. I hope any kindred spirit in Avensis Verso would have mercy on me [​IMG]

  4. #4 scooterist, 28.07.2005

    scooterist Guest

    Hello Tipsy

    Sorry for the delay in answer. At least I have been on vacation in July [​IMG]
    This morning I did a peak under the car to find the spare wheel. It's not full size, so 135 sounds correct. Diameter is probably same as the other wheels, i.e. 15" or 16" for the rim plus something for the tire. I did not see the dimensions on the tire. If it's important, I could measure it.
    I did not measure the 70L Bay, but out of memory I would say it is ~100x30x30 cm (LxWxD). Its located in the back of the trunk.
    Why are you interest in this info? My guess is your are interested in the possibility for hifi or other installation in these areas. Then I can tell you that the spare wheel is located under the car, approximately below the back seat, so that space is not suitable for installations.

  5. Gast

    Gast Guest

    Thanks scooterist!

    I have asked those two questions because I am awaitnig a new AVerso and decided to install an LPG-system in it. Now, after disscussion with my dealer, I know everything - the LPG tank will be mounted in place of spare wheel, so I will save that under-floor compartment (I wanted to mount an LPG-tank there if it isn't possible to mount one under the driver's seat - in left-side cars of coz).
    BTW, my car arrived dealer's place on Thursday, so I have seen it yesterday - it's beauty [​IMG]

    But I have to wait - servicemen will change original upholstery to leather/alcantara, mount parking sensors etc. My great day should come on Friday - so the next week seems to be the longest for me [​IMG]

    Unfortunately, rising prices of petrol rushed people in Poland to LPG-services, so I have to wait three weeks more for my booking. And then drive 3000 km on petrol to run-in the engine.
    So now I am waiting and in fact can't think 'bout anything other than a car, and my favourite lecture is Avensis Verso Owner's Manual I received from my dealer [​IMG]

    Thank's again

  6. #6 Hemm-Ohr, 30.07.2005

    Hemm-Ohr Ehrenmitglieder

    Dabei seit:
    BMW M2 F87
    Hello tipsy,
    yes, the last week before delivery was for almost all of us quite terrible.... [​IMG]

    Hope to see some sunny photos from your Verso after you get him!
    Zitat:servicemen will change original upholstery to leather/alcantara
    This is really interesting for us, what is the price in Poland for the change?

  7. Gast

    Gast Guest

    Sure! [​IMG]

  8. #8 toyo-hallo, 01.08.2005

    toyo-hallo Guest


    After 10 months and about 13.000 km we can state so far:
    our AV VERSO is an excellent car.
    We hope you'll make the same experience !

  9. Gast

    Gast Guest

    Glad to read such a positive opinion, I hope I will confirm [​IMG]

    But after 10 months my odometer shouldn't show less than 40 000 km...
    I have read several opinions about AVerso and maybe one wasn't very good or enthusiastic (and none was bad) - and I don't mean journalists, only true owners

  10. Gast

    Gast Guest

    Zitat:This is really interesting for us, what is the price in Poland for the change?

    Change of upholstery? I don't know exactly yet [​IMG]
    but dealer told me about 8500 polish zloty (or 2000-2100 euro) - 7 seats, armrests, door sides, headrests. Leather and alcantara (I choose alcantara because of lack od seat ventilation). Of course it could be cheaper, but when you book anything by dealer, you have to pay more [​IMG]
    . Interesting is, that they need only one day to do the exchange [​IMG]
    - maybe they are preparing everything earlier and after the car arrives their garage, they have only to mount ready upholstery. They offer seat-heaters too, but it's to expensive - about 750euro for both front seats plus 120 euro for original switch (!).
    More interesting is an LPG installation - it is Prinz IV-gen system with toroidal tank under the drivers seat, Toyota Motor Poland-approved and prepared, so of coz "slightly" more expensive than other, "independent" systems - but you have normal 3-years Toyota's engine warranty. Drive of 100 km costs (in Poland) about 5 euro (compared to about 10 euro on petrol - consumption 9 L of petrol versus 11 L of LPG). It costs 6500 z³oty (~1600 euro) and even by moderate mileage looks profitable. In my case, after 255000km I should save about 10000 euro [​IMG]
    . I hope it will come true [​IMG]

  11. Gast

    Gast Guest

  12. #12 <b>User gelöscht!</b>, 20.08.2005
    <b>User gelöscht!</b>

    <b>User gelöscht!</b> Guest

    Congratulations!!! Your Verso is really fine!!!

    In Germany it is not possible to order leather... [​IMG]

    It looks pretty well! [​IMG]
  13. Gast

    Gast Guest

    Thanks for congratulations!

    Zitat:Congratulations!!! Your Verso is really fine!!!

    In Germany it is not possible to order leather... [​IMG]

    It looks pretty well! [​IMG]

    Leather is not really a Toyota's option (although Toyota Motor Poland offers it as an accessory, like mudflaps, navi or chip for diesel) - it's rather a dealer's option, every Toyota dealer cooperates with his upholsterer, so there is no established standard, price or appearance of the upholstery - you can choose the kind and colour of upholstery depending on offer of given upholsterer. Of course if you book it by dealer in a new car, you have to pay more - but then the dealer have to disassemble seats etc. and fit it again. All in all it is not the cheapest option in 7-seater, but I think it's worth - the car really grows in value and look with it - standard black Toyota's upholstery is terrible I think, and could match maybe a taxi, not a family car.

  14. Prog

    Prog Foren Gott

    Dabei seit:
    Corolla TS Lounge Hybrid 2,0 L 196 PS (Bj. 10/2023) Aktuell 5958 km
    Zitat: standard black Toyota's upholstery is terrible I think, and could match maybe a taxi, not a family car. No, there I have to disagree! The black upholstery looks very nice! Do you have ever seen it? I'm very satisfied with it.

  15. #15 Hemm-Ohr, 22.08.2005

    Hemm-Ohr Ehrenmitglieder

    Dabei seit:
    BMW M2 F87
    Prog, he's talking about the Avensis Verso.
    I don't know, but i think the quality and type of the upholstery is different to that one used in the "normal" Avensis!


    ..and you have also leather inside(your car, of course)!
  16. Gast

    Gast Guest

    In "normal" avensis is much better than in avensis verso I think. I could compare both.


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