avensis and MP3 (english)

Diskutiere avensis and MP3 (english) im Audio - Navigation - Telekommunikation Forum im Bereich Avensis Drumherum (T22, T25 und T27); Hello, I've just bought an Avensis and I'm extremely pleased. Great & fantastic car. Only one problem: I'd like to listen to MP3 in the car. The...

  1. Gast

    Gast Guest

    Hello, I've just bought an Avensis and I'm extremely pleased. Great & fantastic car.
    Only one problem: I'd like to listen to MP3 in the car. The (excellent) integrated radio only reads cassettes and CDs.
    Is it possible to install an MP3 changer or hard drive without a cassette connector or an FM modulator?
    Are there any MP3 changers compatible using an adapter?
    Anybody got any experience?
  2. #2 Hemm-Ohr, 03.02.2004

    Hemm-Ohr Ehrenmitglieder

    Dabei seit:
    BMW M2 F87
    Hy Laurent,
    have a look to this:

    Toyota - 6 Disc MP3 Changer
    Sony CDX-T70MX 6 Disc MP3 Changer and Interface package for Avensis, Corolla, Picnic, RAV4 & Yaris models compatible with the Fujitsu Ten & Matsushita radios. * Check your radio fascia or handbook for the model number/name.

    Installation: The interface connects directly to the rear of the radio and the MP3 Changer connects to the interface. Full easy to follow instructions are supplied.

    *FREE Adhesive Velcro for easy installation if required*

    Accessories Include: 5M CD Lead, CD Magazine, Fixing Brackets and Screws.

    Price: £274.95 (Inc. VAT & Express 1-2 Business Day, UK Delivery)

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------More infos at:


  3. Gast

    Gast Guest

    Thanks Uwe,
    I hope that it works with Avensis 2003 [​IMG]
    I'm not sure...
  4. #4 Hemm-Ohr, 03.02.2004

    Hemm-Ohr Ehrenmitglieder

    Dabei seit:
    BMW M2 F87
  5. erwin

    erwin Guest

    You can ask the seller directly via e-mail! [​IMG]



    I already sent this question to info@sceniccaraudio.co.uk last weekend. But no answer yet. It seems they have to verify it first.

    If anybody has a confirmation about compatibility with the new Avensis, please let me know.
  6. erwin

    erwin Guest

  7. Gast

    Gast Guest

    Dear Laurent,

    may be a hard-drive based MP3 player would be a good idea instead of a cd changer. You can get several adapters on the market to connect a MP3 player to the original built in audio system.

    From SSI Amerika you can get hard-drive based MP3 player with a CDC Adapter, which enables fully control from the origianl car radio. The problem is that the new Avensis system is not supportet yet, but i hope it will be released until my new Avensis is delivered (June ?).

  8. erwin

    erwin Guest

  9. Gast

    Gast Guest

    bad news !!
    Is it working with a sony cd mp3 changer ?
  10. erwin

    erwin Guest

    Dear Laurent,

    may be a hard-drive based MP3 player would be a good idea instead of a cd changer. You can get several adapters on the market to connect a MP3 player to the original built in audio system.

    From SSI Amerika you can get hard-drive based MP3 player with a CDC Adapter, which enables fully control from the origianl car radio. The problem is that the new Avensis system is not supportet yet, but i hope it will be released until my new Avensis is delivered (June ?).


    I had a look at the SSI internet page. Nice solution! There is also an alternative manufacturer Dension.com with dealers in Germany.
    But, do you have any idea where to place the satellite operating unit? I am in doubt, that it is possible to navigate the unit completely with the AV controls, even if there is a working adaptor available.

avensis and MP3 (english)

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